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info@secondchancedogs.net 206-428-1954

Succes Stories

The story behind Lincoln the white dog…

He was rescued from a 100 dog hoarder situation. He was so wild and frantic and fearful it took an hour to finally trap him in a corner in a bedroom. He growled snarled, barked and tried to attack as they forced him into the crate.
When they put his crate in the holding area and everyone saw how terrible his skin condition was, they were afraid he had some kind of mange or something contagious. Nobody wanted to take him. He growled and snarled and lunged at the crate door when anybody came close to look at him. He was so terribly afraid. My heart broke for him. I wanted him. I wanted to save him and I knew I could help him.

The first 4 days I had him I spent my time lying on the floor extending my hand to him with food in it. At first I would sprinkle the food in front of my fingers and move back a little and he would eat the food. Each time I fed him I put the food closer to my fingers and pretty soon I just kept the food on my hand. Once he started eating from my hand I was able to move my hand to his neck and chest and pet him softly.

The first week I kept him in a 10 by 10 kennel so he would be safe. He had a wonderful large crate, inside the kennel, which was his Safe Haven Den. When I could sit on the floor and speak gently to him and he came to me I knew he trusted me. After that I decided to take him outside. He could not have a leash or collar on him because he would panic and throw himself in the air and roll on the ground. So he had to trust me and I had to trust him. I opened the kennel door and said “Come on let’s go”. We went out in the sunshine and fresh air together and sat on the grass. He rolled on his back and pushed himself up and down the grass.

After that day it was a matter of loving him and him trusting me. When I gave him his first warm bath, in the shower, he just stood there, relaxed, enjoying the warmth and the cleanliness. He turned out to be a white dog and didn’t have as much Brown on him once all the dirt was washed away. Using antibiotics and creams and tender loving care his coat and back and skin started healing immediately.

He was adopted by a loving couple. When he left my home his coat was white and silky and the scabs and sores were gone. And that sweet dog said thank you and goodbye to me before he left my home. He was sitting next to the man whom he had accepted and then he walked over to me and pushed his little nose against my leg looked up at me and then turned around and walked over and sat next to the lady and relaxed. They picked him up and held him in their arms and that’s when I took his Farewell picture. I have since heard from the people and he’s doing beautifully. They love him very much.




Elizabeth was a stray running down a road. A good Samaritan saved her, took her home and (meaning well) gave her a bath. Elizabeth was too scared and stressed for a bath that soon. She bit the kind woman, who then took the dog to a shelter. Once there is a reported “bite history”, a dog cannot be adopted to the public.


Second Chance Dogs was able to place Elizabeth in an amazing foster home, at Cedar River Dog Farm, in Maple Valley. Elizabeth thrived and even played with one of the regulars, a kind-hearted Great Dane. Elizabeth was adopted by a family who have a beautiful fenced yard, a cat and a dog. As Elizabeth would say, “My life is no longer ruff ruff; it is all BOW WOW!!!!”.



Bella was about to be euthanized in Oregon due to her extremely poor health, fear issues and severe skin infection. The gentleman that found her had heard about Second Chance Dogs and contacted us. We reviewed her case and said YES to saving her life.

Click “Bella After” to see how she went from death’s door in an Oregon shelter to a heavenly home on earth.


Bella was fostered in Yelm for several months until Diana (founder of Second Chance Dogs) took her for advanced skin care and worked on enhancing her socialization. Diana had her for a few months before Alice (SCD board member) went over to visit. Bella saw her, jumped in her lap, put her paws on Alice’s shoulders and licked her like crazy! It was love at first sight. She is now in her forever home with Lucky (a 16 year old miniature Schnauzer) and Tucker (a 2 year old miniature Schnauzer).



Rocky lived in misery on a chain for almost 14 years. The day he came into our rescue Diana put him in her back yard, took his collar off and let him smell it and then said “No more collar. No more chain” and threw the collar on the ground and left it there for weeks so he could see that it would never be around his neck again. The dog house his previous owner had was too small for him to get inside. So, in one day he went from no collar and sleeping in the cold and mud to a warm bath and a clean soft bed. He adjusted beautifully. He went from a solitary life on a chain to the freedom of running with the pack. His remaining 3 1/2 years were filled with good care, companionship of the pack as well as being a welcomed, loved member of the family.



